Terry O’Neill is one of the most important living photographers of today. His work is shown and exhibited in premier museums and art galleries around the world. His iconic images of Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Brigitte Bardot, Faye Dunaway and David Bowie – to name a few – are household names around the world. Now, for the first time, O’Neill selects a series of images from his extensive archive of “Vintage Prints” that will surprise and delight collectors and photo enthusiasts alike. Long before the digital age, photographers sent physical prints to newspapers and magazines. These prints were passed around, picked up by many, stamped on the back, and often captioned. After use, the prints were either discarded, thrown away, or, for the lucky few, returned to the photographer or his photo agency. In the early 1960s, when O’Neill’s career began, physical prints were the norm. Terry kept as many prints as he could that were returned to him. “I just kept everything,” he says. “I don’t know why. At the time, there was no real reason to keep them. The photos were used immediately, and then I just moved on to the next assignment. No one thought these photos would be worth anything later, let alone fifty years later.” This book collects hundreds of these rare images, a real must-have for Terry’s fans and photo collectors.
ACC Art Books, ISBN9781851498918, hardcover, 240 pages, 32 color and 111 black and white photos in the book.