On September 25, there were several occasions to celebrate: for 10 years the Wall of Fame – Basel’s most famous wall – has been inspiring visitors and locals alike, we celebrated this anniversary together with several hundred visitors and rousing concerts by Bettina Schelker, Fucking Beautiful and The Lombego Surfers. Furthermore, the award with the handprints of our 2019 L’Unique Award winner Bettina Schelker was mounted on the Wall of Fame while at the same time we officially handed over the 2020 award to Tony Thomas from The Lombego Surfers. All proceeds from the event will go to benefit our project in Kathmandu (Nepal) where we will continue the work at the NAG orphanage this December. More information can be found here: https://lunique-foundation.org/lunique-foundation-projekte/
We would like to thank all visitors for their support and look forward to a possible second edition of L’Unique OFF THE WALL Festival in 2022.