16 Days. 26 Toilets. 20 Showers. 7 washing throughs, 1 ceramic washbasin (clinic), 8 sluices, 11 bathing water courser, 6 song covers, 1 composed song, 1 rock’n’roll concert and everything documented on film! We have achieved quite something in this short time and it’s just the start! The l’Unique foundation crew has successfully completed its first project and while numbers matters the amount of impressions have surpassed the amount of work by far! We haven’t saved the world.. but if we all do our part we just might be able to do so!
Thank you to the following companies for their Generosity: Geberit AG, Romay AG, Ibach AG, George Fischer AG, Glatt GmbH, R. Nussbaum AG, Baubedarf-Richner-Miauton BR Handel AG, Sanitas Troesch AG